Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Catalyst 2013: Mark Discoll

Driscoll is a Pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle, WA.  He most recently has written a book entitled Who Do You Think You Are?  These are some of his thoughts from Catalyst 2013.

Identity:  Who do you think you are?

Complete this in your mind:  I AM ____________.

How you complete this, and who you think you are determines what you will do.

Who does God say you are?

1 Corinthians 15:25 outlines the 2 most important people that ever lived.  1) Jesus 2) Adam.

You need an identity that is life proof. The difference between a normal person and leader is the impact their decisions have on others.

Whatever your job description includes, make sure it doesn't include anything on Jesus job description...

"When your leadership role becomes your identity, it becomes your idolatry."

For many young leaders, we have a full tank of gas, and no map or direction.

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