Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Catalyst 2013: Andy Stanley (talk 2)

Andy Stanley – Senior Pastor, North Point Ministries

Team requires something beyond a paycheck or an office position.  Team requires Synergy. 

Synergy – when a combination of elements produces an effect greater than the sum of individual elements.

If you don’t know why something is working, you can’t fix it when it breaks!!

To Create A High-Performance Team

1)   Select performance-oriented people and position them for maximum impact.
High performance teams are action oriented people with clarity.
Seminaries attract thinkers, NOT doers.
a.     Recruit DOERS not THINKERS.
b.     Its much easier to educate a doer than it is to activate a thinker.
“If you have the right people on the bus, the problem of how to motivate and manage people largely goes away.  The right people don’t need to be tightly managed or fired up.” – jim Collins
RENT thinkers -à Hire Doers!
c.      Position Individuals for maximum impact
                                              i.     Put people where they can make their greatest contribution
                                              ii.     Connect the Dots
2)   Clarify the “what” and the “why”
a.     Performance-oriented people like to win             
b.     Team dissolves when the problems are all solved.
c.      Organize the what
                                               i.     Create an organization where the lion’s share of  time and resources is allocated to the ‘what’
                                              ii.     Don’t force people to work around the organization
1.     What is the problem your team ahs come together to solve?
2.     What is the task your team has come together to accomplish?
3.     What is the opportunity your team has come together to leverage?
4.     What is the what around which everything should be organized?
d.     Create terminology around ‘why’
                                               i.     Why is where the team finds its inspiration.
                                              ii.     Why addresses the issue of ‘whats at stake’
3)   Orchestrate and evaluate EVERYTHING
a.     Orchestrate: “This is how we do it here….until further notice”
                                               i.     Orchestration brings consistency and predictability to all your processes and environments
                                              ii.     This will actually make your organization feel more, NOT LESS personal
                                            iii.     You already do this in some areas.
b.    Evaluate EVERYTHING
                                              i.     Evaluate formally and systematically
1.    With the people involved.
2.    As often as the event occurs
                                            ii.     Create a feedback loop that keeps you close to critical events
1.    Growth distances leader from the events that matter most
2.    Numbers don’t tell the entire story
3.    Information is often filtered as it makes it way up the org chart
1)   Select performance oriented people
2)   Clarify the what and the why
3)   Orchestrate and evaluate everything!

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