Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Leadership Lunch 7.14.14

Just a summary of a brief conversation about leading organizations.  Some are tips and one liners that are very relevant to leaders.  This was a conversation with Collin Sewell, a mentor of mine that you can find more about in prior posts...

1) How can I impact our organizational culture?

  1. Don't keep people on the team to long.  When they are ready to be release or terminated, it needs to be done then.  Keeping them to long is not a help to them or the organization.  This is a key strategic decision that will help impact organizational culture.
  2. Constant Reinforcement of the culture you purport.  Be sure to be doing lessons and studies that help facilitate the culture.  Remember:  Whats REWARDED gets REPEATED.  Collin uses 'Sewell Connect' to facilitate positive encouragement among the entire team.

2) Leadership voids exist in organizations for many different reasons.  How can a person step up as a leader when perhaps they don't have 'authority'?

--Remember its not about whether or not people like you, its about if they respect you.  That goes much further.
--Be sure to care about people.  Most people defend what they work on, so approach them in a very NON attacking why, humbling seeking a solution rather than seeking to defeat.
--Don't focus only on the problem but the relationship.  The most volatile person in a relationship always has control of the relationship.  REMEMBER:  Every conversation will affect not only the outcome of the issue, but the relationship as well.
-- In those relationship hurts, be sure to use the words 'I'm Sorry' instead of a variation when an apology is needed.

3) Some final truths:

  • Your in decline as a leader if you only see positive behind you.
  • When a mistake is made: 1) Say I'm sorry 2) Make it right 3) Learn and Grow
  • Intelligence intimidates people
  • Be approachable, and don't give a people a reason not to.