Monday, September 3, 2012

Global Leadership Summit 2012 (John Ortberg)

John Ortberg is the pastor of Menlo Park Presbyterian Church and author of several books.  His most recent and the one his talk was based on at the Global Leadership Summit is Who Is This Man?  Here is a brief summary of his talk at the Leadership Summit.

"Jesus was the most unlikely candidate to change the world"

"Jesus gave the world its most influential movement"

"Jesus changed how we think about history"

"Jesus shaped how we express compassion"

"The Jesus movement shaped education"

"Jesus revolutionized technology and science"

"Jesus revolutionized art"

"Jesus changed political theory"

"Jesus changed how we think about human rights and dignity"

"Jesus uniquely taught love of ones enemies"

"Who was this man?  The King of Kinds, Lord of Lords and the Greatest Teacher to ever life."

--Among all of these topics, John presented mountains of evidence which is included in his book.

Global Leadership Summit 2012 (William Ury)

William the author of the well acclaimed book Getting Past No, a book on negotiation.  Here are a summary of his thoughts at the Global Leadership Summit.

"When angry, you will make the best speech you will ever regret"

"The greatest power we have in negotiation is the power not to react"

"To negotiate:  focus on the interest, not the position; ask the question 'why'; and reinforce the power of objective opinion"

Abraham Lincoln, when asked how to destroy his enemies:  "Do I not destroy my enemy when I make them into my friend?"

Global Leadership Summit 2012 (Patrick Lencioni)

Patrick Lencioni is the founder and president of The Table Group as well as a best selling author and highly valued consultant.  Here are this thoughts from the Global Leadership Summit.

"People need to be reminded more than instructed"

"Organizational health is the greatest competitive advantage"

"There are 4 disciplines to make an organization healthy:

1) Build and maintain a cohesive leadership team
2) Create Clarity
3) Over Communicate Clarity
4) Reinforce Clarity"

"The vision of your firm must be something your willing to be punished for.  Working at a church should never be about the job, it should be something your willing to be punished for the opportunity to do"

"If your people aren't doing an impression of you when your not around, your not over communicating!"

Global Leadership Summit 2012 (Craig Groeschel)

Craig Groeschel is pastor of, the second largest congregation in the United States.  He is an engaging speaker and a passionate pastor of the local church.  He is a great leader and innovative thinker.  His most recent book Soul Detox: Clean Living in a Contaminated World is engaging and truth filled for those seeking to live their lives sold out to Jesus.  This is a summary of his thoughts at the Global Leadership Summit.

He began with a message to the older generation:

"Don't resist or fear the next generation, embrace them, believe in them.  They need you."

"God values maturity.  If your not dead, your not done."

"Don't just delegate tasks to the next generation, this creates followers.  Delegate authority to create leaders."

"With the younger generation authenticity trumps cool every time."

"The youngest generation feels entitled this is not their fault, they were a generation raised this way."

"Because you fell entitled, you overestimate what you can do in the short term."

"Honor publicly results in influence privately"

"Honor of God will result in honoring those around us"

"Respect is earned, but honor is given"

How do we do all this?

1) Ongoing feedback loops - message reviews and critiques with all generations

2) Create specific mentoring moments - ask the question 'will you mentor me?'

3) Create opportunities for significant leadership development.

Global Leadership Summit 2012 (Sheryl Wudunn)

Sheryl WuDunn is a pulitzer prize winning journalist and author if Half the Sky.

The two tenets of this book:

1) "Gender Inequality is the central moral challenge in the 21st century.  We are missing between 60 - 100 million women in our population today."

2) "We think women need education and jobs.  We think women and girls aren't the problem, they are the solution."

Global Leadership Summit 2012 (Jim Collins)

Jim Collins taught for many years at Stanford University and began research in 1992.  From there, he has written numerous invaluable business books recognized by the NY Times and BusinessWeek as a best selling author.  Jim is an excellent communicator and business leader.  His latest book is Great by Choice and it is this book that inspired his talk at the Summit this year.

Great by Choice measures companies that grew 10 times faster than their competitors.  Their main differences were outlined as fantastic discipline, productive paranoia, and empirical creativity.

Fanatical Discipline:

"It is important not to over stretch"  Jim tells a great story at the turn of the century of the race to the North Pole.  Its central tenet is keeping pace instead of over-extending.

"Southwest Airlines as been profitable for nearly 40 years, through everything."

"Manage yourself in good times so you can do well in the bad times.  Its about consistent, consecutive performance."

Empirical Creativity:

"Comparisons company leaders don't do enough testing before they bet all of the new creativity"

"A marriage of creativity and discipline is what sets people apart"

"The challenge is to merge creativity and discipline.  This is KEY."

Productive Paranoia:

"Understand the only mistakes you learn from are the ones you survive."

"High cash to assets ratio in the 10x companies was a consistent factor."

"It's all about what you do before your in trouble"

"The greatest danger is to be successful and NOT KNOW WHY!!"

"Greatness is not a matter of circumstance"

Great Organizations:

1) Have superior performance related to the mission.
2) Makes distinctive impact
3) Has Lasting Endurance

"Organizations are not great if they can not be great without you."

Global Leadership Summit 2012 (Condoleezza Rice)

Condoleezza Rice, former Secretary of State, spoke briefly at the Leadership Summit this year.  She has a classic rags to riches story that she communicated in a dynamic way.  Here is a link to her facebook page.

"Freedom and democracy are not the same, but are inextricably linked."

"Democracy can not mean the tyranny of the majority."

"If the strong exploit the weak, democracy can't be stable"

"There's a lot a government can do, but it can't deliver compassion."

"Leadership requires irrepressible optimism.  The sources of this optimism include looking at others circumstances.  Out of the struggle often comes victory."

"Today's headlines and histories judgement are rarely the same"

"Stress highlights our failures and our flaws"

She has written several books, most outlining her extraordinary life.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Global Leadership Summit 2012 (Bill Hybels)

Bill Hybels ( is Pastor of Willow Creak Community Church and a leading thinking is church life over the past 30 years.  Here is a summary of his talk on August 9, 2012 at the Global Leadership Summit.

"Everyone wins when a leader gets better"

"The seed rejection ratio in the Luke 8 parable of the sower and the seed is 75%.  3 out of every 4 reject the Gospel seed"

"If I want to see more trees, I have to plant more seeds"

"Whether you life it or not, as a leader, the whole organization takes its cue from you."

"You must learn to lead yourself and others"

"You are the most difficult person you will ever lead"

"A leaders most valuable asset is their energy, NOT their time"

"God, what would be the greatest contribution I could make?  You can sprint for 6 weeks, you can't do it for 6 months"

"God didn't build us to lead responsively but proactively."

"The greatest plan a pastor can put together is a succession plan"

"Leadership is a privilege and a gift from God"

Leadership Lunch w/ Collin Sewell

Collin is the President of the Sewell Family of Dealerships as well a developer and Public Education enthusiast in West Texas.  His current development project is Parks Legado ( which is a cutting edge gathering space for shopping, eating, and residential opportunities.  He has been nominated by TIME as a 'dealer of the year' in 2011, is currently Odessa's 'Family of the Year' and 'Entrepreneur of the Year'.  His most recent mentor is John Maxwell and provides the Sewell Leadership Event annually for the community.  Above all these and many other honors that one can find out about Collin, he is committed to Jesus Christ and doing life with Him.  I had the honor of interviewing Collin over lunch as a leadership expert, and this is a summary of his thoughts.

1) What is the greatest lesson you've ever learned?

"I didn't realize how much of life is about people.  Life requires at least two things with people, earning trust and building relationships.  It's important to understand why we do what we do before we change how we do it."

Some vital questions people ask:  Can I trust you?  How do I keep from busting trust?

Collin defines Leadership as influence, as described in John Maxwell's book The 360 Degree Leader.

2) What / How are you learning now?

Submission to God's Will -- NOT MINE.  Collin is studying Andy Stanley's '4 Phases of Life'.  He is learning that "he is a nobody" and it is key to "give God credit."

3) How has failure shaped your life?

Failure is a driving force in learning.  Reviewing mistakes to generate life lessons is key to growth.  In fact, now Collin doesn't view many things as failures, but as lesson to start again as described in Maxwell's book Failing Forward.

4) What do you know that I should know?

Its important to chose to be a learner.  Read great books everyday.  No-one changes their life until they change something they do EVERYDAY.  The question is "What do you want your life to look like at 50?"

For Collin, it means rising early, real early, at 4:30.  He spends time with Jesus, outlining his day, and reviewing a checklist of goals from the day before.  Collin has a commitment to change.

5) What have you read that I should read?

Blessed Life - Robert Morris

As a Man Thinketh  - James Allen
Visioneering - Andy Stanley

6) What have you done that I should do?

Make a list of the money you spent on personal development.  Compare it to other things you spent money on.  This will display for you the value you have of yourself.  People are assets as long as they continue growing.

7) How can I add value to you?

Collin requested prayers as he brought innovation to West Texas and sought God.

8) Anything other Keys to Leadership?

When a leader gets to busy, they miss the whisper of God.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Leadership Lunch: Dr. Chris Brammer

At every opportunity I try to have lunch with leaders from around the world, to simply learn and grow from their wealth of experience.  Here is the summary of one such event.

Dr. Brammer is the Senior Pastor of Hampstead Baptist Church, ( a Bible believing southern baptist congregation located in Hampstead, Maryland.  He has been serving in this capacity as Senior Pastor for 25 years and has seen countless salvations and spiritual growth of the people God has entrusted to him.  As a leader, he has impact hundreds as they dealt with the call to ministry, myself among them.  Currently HBC is thriving in the Greater Baltimore area as a multi-site church with 3 locations, all of which Dr. Brammer teaches live at.  This is a summary of our leadership lunch in July of 2012.

1) What is the greatest lesson you have learned?

--Patience, many times you can't repair a rash decision.
--We see this lesson in Job
--Adrian Rogers 'God gives everyone enough time to do everything He plans for us to do, gracefully'
--Our time needs to align with God's time

2) What / How are you learning now?

--If God provides an opportunity, pray for it and go for it, until he closes the door.  This 'going for the door' rational is about the attitude, it must be done humbly.

--Go for it, and check the motive.

3)  How has failure shaped your life?

--Failure has produced surrender.  Failure as defined by the world that is.  If we are a child of God, its important to recognize that everything is going to be alright.
--Dr. Brammer has had to learn to live with unfinished tasks.

4) What do you know that I should know?

--Most likely your wife will be your greatest helper, in an area you don't really want help.

5) What have you read that I should read?

Christopher Hichens - God is not Great

6) What have you done that I should do?

--Always atempt to be a personal verbal witness.  Live out each message.
--Practice Personal evangelism and extended fasting.

7) How can I add value to you?

--Pray for Wisdom and Boldness

8) What is your personal definition of success?

--Gage success by being at peace with God...Colossions 3

9) Any other question that I should ask others like you?

--Perhaps pose a specific question about a life situation, or something you are currently going through in ministry.

Anything additional to add?

--Learn to live with mistakes
--Leave to live with unfinished tasks
--Not about what you did but how you did it.  MOTIVE drives.