Thursday, September 11, 2014

Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast (Staying Current Summary)

Leadership Podcast

Staying Current in the organization (employee evaluation).

The following are some questions the staff at North Point utilize to gain current staff cultural information from evaluations.  This set of questions is not intended to replace traditional questions, but rather intended to use in conjunction with.

1) What are you most excited about right now?
2) What do you wish you could spend more tie on?
3) What’s most challenging?
4) Anything bugging you?
5) What can I help you with?

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Andy Stanley is a leadership expert and Pastor of North Point Community Church in Atlanta, GA.  He does a monthly leadership podcast that provides some great insights to those who are interested in learning both non-profit and for profit leadership.  Below is an outline of 2 podcasts that addressed the staff culture and set the trajectory for the new generation of leaders.  You can check out the podcasts here:

Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast

Staff Culture Principles (NPCC)

1)   Make it Better
i)     What am I doing to help the organization personally?
2)   Take it Personally
i)     How am I personally engaged in our mission and vision?
3)   Collaborate
i)     Where am I leveraging the talent and skills of those outside my team?
4)   Replace Yourself
i)     If you replace yourself, there will always be a place for you.
ii)    Who am I empowering?
5)   Stay Fit
i)     How am I taking care of myself, spiritually, emotionally, physically,  relationally, and financially?
6)   Remain Openhanded
i)      How do I manage the tension triggered by new ideas, innovation, and change?

Additional Consideration (from Kenny):

The most dangerous phrase in the English language is ‘ that’s what we’ve always done.’