Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Leadership Lecture from Marc Rylander

Marc Rylander
Leadership Consultant

1) Great Leadership begins with ME!
o   You can’t take care of others unless you take care of you.
o   You’re the only you
o   Nothing great will happen with our team until something great happens in me
o   Great Leadership happens when you get up in the morning

2) Leadership Begins with you, but isn’t exclusivity about you
o   Know your Team
o   Need your Team
o   Trust your Team

3) Great Leadership Requires Passion
o   Passionless people try to perform
o   Lost people are not attracted to passionless people
o   Lose your passion for lost, lose your passion for church
o   Growth today does not promise growth tomorrow
o   Steps in the Life of a Church – Mission, Movement, Management, Monument

G. W. Truett – “Hats off to the past, coats off the future”

o   Determine each day your going to do something great
o   Align yourself with passionate people
o   Clear the clutter

4) Great Leadership Demands knowledge and Respect
o   Study local churches

5) Great Leadership crushes Lethargy
o   Do things that are unexpected
o   Go the extra mile for your people
o   Listen more than you talk
o   Communicate often
o   Enjoy what you have in common
o   Church members are people too

6) Great Leadership Expects Results

o   Has no programs because ‘we’ve always done them’

Catalyst 2014: Bryan Loritts

Bryan Loritts
Author - A Cross Shaped Gospel

We worship the creation over the creator
Uniqueness of greed is the sublet nature, we don't often realize it until we are miles beyond the line of sin.

Matthew 25:31-46
It is the righteous person who is willing to be disadvantaged for the advantage of others.
Jesus Christ does not come in to rearrange the furniture of our lives, but to wreck it!
If you can't make a difference as a barista don't go to seminary. If you can't make a difference across the street from the church, don't go on a short term mission trip!

Your vocation can be a viable item for building the kingdom.
If I have been vertically reconciled to God I must be horizontally reconciled to my brother, and I must do something about it!

We want just enough Jesus to make us acceptable but not enough Jesus to make us fanatical.

Matthew 25 has nothing to do with the root of salvation but the fruit of salvation

Catalyst 2014: Charles Lee

Charles Lee   
Book:  Good Idea, Now What
Brand Strategist: connecting creativity to executive strategy

Common traits of innovators
-     Vision
-     not about hiring the right person but creating the right culture
-     Creates value for customer
-     Culture creation is a long term investment
-     People don't stick around for growth, but the culture of innovation
-     Think big. Start small. Keep moving.
-     Aim for perfection, and once you get there keep improving.

Over 90% of innovative products fail. Many because they give up to early.
If you can remain faithful, you can't fail.
Easier to talk about things then doing it, in fact when we talk about things it gives us a sense of accomplishment...innovators get things done when they write things down.

Catalyst 2014: Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek
Leaders Eat Last

In the military we give medals to people who are willing to give their lives for others to gain. In business we give bonuses to those willing to sacrifice others so that they will gain.

People do extraordinary things in extraordinary environments. Leaders are responsible to create the environment.
Trust is the foundation of leading well. Trust is the good of the tribe.
Leaders must have courage. That's it. It requires sacrifice.
Leadership is not a rank, it's a choice.
You can not tell you are a good parent or leadership in a day to day comparison. It must be viewed in large patches.
Strong comparison between leadership and parenting.
-     I'm a leader of people...can't do it without people. It's all about sacrifice.
-     Parents don't exists without children.
-     Great leaders would never sacrifice the people to save the numbers but the numbers to save the people.

-     Only thing people learn from parents: love self, love others

Be the leader you wish you had.
Serve those who serve others.

The best leaders are the best followers.