Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Catalyst: Bob Goff

Bob Goff
Author:  Love Does
Lawyer, Best Selling Author, 
Founder: Restore International

-     Instead of living on the edge of comfortable, live on the edge of yikes. We will always gravitate toward comfort.
-     Don't need to be amped, need to be faithful
-     Every Thursday Bob gives something the boot
-     You can't leave the church you are the church
-     You will never know how to honor People unless you honor God
-     Prov 4:23 - guard your heart
-     Galatians 1:6 - live in Christ
-     Live in Grace, walk in love.
-     Keep your eyes on Jesus and not the bass in the room!
-     We can trust others more when they have obviously failed.
-     Instead of telling everyone they are wrong, point them toward Jesus.
-     People don't follow vision they follow availability
-     Tell people how far they have come, rather than how far they have to go.

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