Monday, September 3, 2012

Global Leadership Summit 2012 (John Ortberg)

John Ortberg is the pastor of Menlo Park Presbyterian Church and author of several books.  His most recent and the one his talk was based on at the Global Leadership Summit is Who Is This Man?  Here is a brief summary of his talk at the Leadership Summit.

"Jesus was the most unlikely candidate to change the world"

"Jesus gave the world its most influential movement"

"Jesus changed how we think about history"

"Jesus shaped how we express compassion"

"The Jesus movement shaped education"

"Jesus revolutionized technology and science"

"Jesus revolutionized art"

"Jesus changed political theory"

"Jesus changed how we think about human rights and dignity"

"Jesus uniquely taught love of ones enemies"

"Who was this man?  The King of Kinds, Lord of Lords and the Greatest Teacher to ever life."

--Among all of these topics, John presented mountains of evidence which is included in his book.

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