Sunday, February 28, 2016

WCA Training Henry Cloud

Henry Cloud
The Power of the Other
(Coming out in May 2016)

Henry is a psychologist, whose first job was in a leadership consulting firm.
People have power, God designed it that way.  Other people influence us for better or worse.

SEALS:  You don't rise to the challenge, you fall to your level of training.

Willpower is often not as strong as the power of the other.
How does something invisibility and immaterial literally affect the physical performance? -- like a yell of encouragement. 

Another example, babies without love will not develop a certain bit of circuitry.

How does the immaterial affect the material, and how does it affect the leader?

When you experience a scare, your brain short circuits and you have to re-start your mind in order to re-engage. Your brain also is the foundation for leadership.  When your capacity is exceeded, your leadership brain shuts down and your unable to process.  After a while, you get used to the shock of a situation, and you can process through the situation.  We call this leadership development.  Or growth.

SO why does this happen?  Because an invisible God created a material universe and invaded it with life.

Every performer in every field all have 'others' that they make time to learn and grow from. 

How many of you have somewhere you can go to just be yourself?
How many of you have a relationship where someone is just building into you?
How many of you have had revolutionary event that affected you in the last year?
  • 80% of people have no where to go, no one to talk to, and revolutionary events that have occurred in the past year.

In leadership, we end up being the 'other' for others and not having any 'other' ourselves.  There is a chip inside a cell phone that causes it to search for a network at all times.  Without a connection, the battery drains, no new content is available. 

What 'no's' have been internalized?  Whose in your head? Capacity is grown or shrunk through the relationships and 'others' we have in our lives as they are internalized over time.

Every knee shall bow -- Henry did an illustration where he asked people to raise their hands and hold them up as long as they could hold their breath. Everyone will run out of air sometime.

Henry gives a great illustration about someone getting mugged.  Someone with a mask, a knife, comes up to you, stabs you, takes your money, and leaves you bleeding.  We call that a mugging.  They take you to a hospital, where a guy with a mask and a knife, takes all your money and we say thank you Doctor.  We have 'friends' and we have 'friends'.

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