Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Collin Sewell Learning Leadership (As a man Thinketh & Interview Discussion)

The discussion between Collin and myself centered strongly around the book ‘As a Man Thinketh’ by James Allen.  In another post I have posted a chapter summary of the booklet.

 A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts.

Until thought is linked with purpose, there is no intelligent accomplishment.

-       What has been the most influential thought shaping process in your life for the good?
·       Stanley - 'Be Goals’ (podcast) (A ‘Be Goal’ is something you want to become)
·       Some of Collin’s ‘Be Goals’: faithful, steward, leader, generous, trustworthy

·       Without setting a 'Be' goal of being generous, Collin realized he would never be in the position he was today to be generous

·       Collin shared a great story of a man he has lead to faith in another city all because he wanted to be trustworthy.

-       What has been the most influential thought shaping process in your life for the bad?
·       Believing the Lies of Satan.  Allowing myself to get sidetracked from the routine that has produced positive thought processing.

-       How did you develop 'Be' goals?
·       'Its always a mistake to decide what your going to do before who you become'
·       Decide what you want to be known for:  What would ppl say at your funeral?
·       What are the adjectives that you use? Collin choose 7 so he could pray for one each day of the week in his own life.

-       How do you ‘think’ like someone who is successful and growing as a leader/person?
·       Define Success in thinking (Happiness (bad goal), fulfillment, accomplishing Gods plan, etc)

·       Collin had to make a choice that he would not be a perfectionist when it came to people.  He will be a perfectionist in processes, but NOT with individuals.

-       What are the best interview questions you have asked?  Greatest Differentiator?

Framework for Hiring: 
- Every person talks to at least 3 people, major positions would be more
- Each person has a list of questions - loading the lips of the candidates    
- Collin wants to take them to a meal and get them to pay to see how much they will TIP as well has how they appreciate the service, the waiter, praying in public
- ask situation questions, 'tell me a time' - get them to tell a story
- how do i know when your mad or upset?
- Tell me about a time when you had to do something more than you got paid to do...framework tells if they get pissed about the style of questioning.
- I want someone to interview who is not emotionally invested in the hire, be sure to have a non-bias -- it’s their best, which is why it is an interview (expect 80% of what you perceive at an interview)
- What do you consider on time? 
- Tell me about your study habits?

- Discover where people are, and develop a framework for how that would apply here.

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