Sunday, August 24, 2014

Leadership Questions 4.14.15

Collin Sewell

What are good questions to ask when considering a #2 position in an organization?

·      Look for ANY successful #2, whether in the church or business world
·      There are 3 veins in which one needs to ask questions:
o   #1 Character:
§  What is the DNA of the most success #2?
§  What are their habits?
§  What are their disciplines?
o   #2 Competency
§  What are the key points to succeed?
§  What do you measure?  How do you measure?
§  What metrics do you use in your organization?
§  How do you handle and measure those you lead?
o   #3 Chemistry
§  How do you manage relationships?
§  How do you deal with bad news?
§  What if they don’t want to hear bad news?
§  Trust vs. Trustworthiness, filling the gap.

What preparation should I be doing to prepare for a #2 position?

·      The science side of your job is expected.  You don’t get to this level without it.  What is key to work on, is the ART side.  Here are some books related to this:

v Winning With People – Maxwell
v 17 Laws of Teamwork
v 5 Levels of Leadership
v 21 Laws of Leadership

What are the traits that you have seen derail leaders?


(Pride, fear, insecurity are the most common)

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