Saturday, November 9, 2013

Orange Conference Tour

Yesterday I has the opportunity to spend a few moments at the Orange Conference Tour stop in Frisco, Texas.  The Orange Conference takes place annually in Atlanta, and is a great experiance for those seeking to understand the philosophy and nuts and bolts of the Orange style of ministry.  Reggie Joiner is the creator of Orange, and one of the original staff people from North Point Church with Andy Stanley.

Here are some notes from the talk that Reggie gave yesterday throughout the day:
When you see how much time you have left…

1)   You get serious about the time you have now

Orange has released a Legacy Countdown App

Ps. 90:12 – Teach us to number our days.

2)   You tend to make more what matters, matter more.
3)   You tend to value what happens over time.

Words have power and can impact someone’s decision in life.
n  words over time provides direction

Right work helps kids:
n  Reason  - when its named, its knowable
n  Win
n  Believe  - words give definition to belief

Current Generation is HIGH in arrogance and LOW in self esteem (Tim Elmore Article)

Practical Tip:  Expand your vocabulary – learn the words kids near to hear.  5 important childhood messages:
1)   Your loved
2)   Your unique
3)   You have gifts
4)   Your safe
5)   Your valuable

If you want kids to know they matter, then remember what you say to them matters.

Session 2:

What do you want someone to become?

--Theology without love is religion
--Love is the one thing that matters most!

There are people that I’ve met that are not as theologically correct as I am, but they are better Chrisitans.

--What you say will matter to kids when they know they matter to you.

--When you don’t say what you say in love, you discredit the truth.

--You have value to God.  You may be the best chance for a child to know they have value to God.  Tribes will often give belonging, creating an environment when kids are known and loved.

--Test of a leader is not killing what’s dead, but killing what’s alive so something else can thrive.

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