Monday, July 29, 2013

SEND North America Opening Session

Currently I have the opportunity to sit at the SEND North America conference which is put on by the Southern Baptist Convention.  While the group is unapologetically Southern Baptist, it is a group of men and women, focused on training and 'penetrating lostness' in 30 point cities across the country.  They are doing this by sending church planters from across the country and the globe to reach these influential, unreached, de-churched cities.  My brother Chris ( is one of those planters looking to plant a church in Baltimore in the Fall of 2015.  

Below are some notes from the Opening General Session:

--Your not sick in sin, your dead in sin....there is not opportunity for recovery.

--Christ set me free from my sin, not for my sin

--When you understand GRACE, you will forsake ANYTHING else...if you don't understand this, you don't get it!


-- We are saved from our sins, but saved FOR a mission!  Jesus changes everything.

How do you get in on what God is doing?

1) Identify (Acts 17:26)
2) Invest (in sharing the Gospel) (1 Thes. 2:8)
3) Invite (John 13:35)
4) Increase (1 Corinthians 3:7)


--We are not here to relive history, but to make history

--Were not trying to get back to the good ol' days of the 1950's but we ought to get back to the 1st century

--It is imperative to unite as believers

--The mission is bigger then Prestonwood...and bigger than all of us together.

In defense of Multi-Site movement -- It doesn't matter what teacher is in the house, but that Jesus is in the house.

Gospel is bigger than you, your church, your community, your city, your state, your country....the Gospel is bigger than the WORLD & Generations.

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