Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Catalyst Dallas (John Maxwell)

Catalyst was filled with great young leaders communicating truth and leadership principles.  However, John Maxwell, the organizations founder, and greatly experienced leadership guru also took a few moments to share with those in attendance.  He outlined the importance of learning lunches and gave the following 7 questions that one should ask when inviting someone:

1) Whats the greatest lesson you've ever learned?

2) What are you learning now?

3) How has failure shaped your life?

4) Who do you know that I should know?

5) What have you read that I should read?

6) What have you done that I should do?

7) How can I add value to you?

John talked about one key to being a growing leader is to define a personal definition of success.  Generally for me, that equates to serving God and my wife as best as possible and taking as many people to heaven as I can.  Different phases of life may require a little more specific definition but overall, this is an important aspect of maintaining a personal growth plan.

John also outline the importance of doing 5 things in your life everyday that help you accomplish this goal.  For me, writing is one of them.  It is so important to continue growing daily as a leader, or one will fall victim to the stagnate nature of life.

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