Q & A Notes with Chris Hodges:
Very strict with his schedule, even into the personal items.
Chris gains freedom from schedule rather than being confined by it.
"Find your most important activity and give your most important thing to do"
How do you handle staff that aren't producing?
- most lack of production is a result of unclear expectations
- People think they are doing better than they are
Distinction between leadership team and executive pastor
- produce written reports: what are you working on, what's working, what's not, etc.
- Monthly written reports
Greatest Gift Chris gives the church is CLARITY.
How do you measure the health of a campus?
Campus success distinctives ALL Campus pastors should know this
- Want people to know God (Sunday)
- Want people to find Freedom (# Groups and people in them)
- Discovering Purpose (Class Steps) 94% of those who start, finish.
- Make a Difference (Dream Team - Volunteers)
This is representative of the churches Growth Track. Use Street Language...found lost people, and allowed them to define it.
To Chris -- these 4 items have never changed, as they are based in the great commission. The system changes to what is working.
23% of income is spent on salaries, because they empower people.
What changed in you when you took your first sabbatical?
- Rest better if your able to clump it all together
- Noticed that he felt tired...has used adrenaline before that
- Leading on Empty (Wayne Corredero)
What are some of the things you are doing to ensure DNA carrying?
- Know the measurable, know the condition of your flock
- 'You gotta think steps not events'
- Stop counting nickels and noses, rather than STEPS
- The win is not about the weekend.
What can I be doing or thinking in preparation for the launch of a campus?
- Build a prayer base to pave the way
- Build Teams
- Work very hard on Marketing...internal marketing isn't used enough in church
- As the brand grows, the expectation grows. You can't produce an inferior produce on a campus.
Would like to have 5 seat turns before building a permanent facility. 1 year out start small groups, 4 months prior to prepare, 750k launch budget, recapped in a few months.
Highlands asks new leaders to go and do more campus' -- asking them to join the campus permanent...continue to ask people to move into a mentor role, and let a younger do the work. 'Keep it Young'
Questions pastors never ask that they should -- Shocked at how much we pray.
- every staff member at prayer on Saturday
- 21 days of prayer twice a year
- One of the areas of small groups
- Once a month they do a prayer walk through highest crime areas in the city
- Every service has prayer teams
- Every staff member has 20 people assigned to them to pray for them
- Saturday Morning Prayer -- Every weekend
10 minute message, 5 min of live band worship, 30 minutes on their own, 15 minutes corporate prayer - never go over -- It's all about praying for SUNDAY.
Spend 64% of income was budget. Keeps ceilings on staff and building teams. Jim Collins - hire 5, work them like 10, pay them like 8.
If you have an issue its a leadership issue.
The devil always attacks when you take territory.
If people aren't being known, you can't keep them.
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