1) What is the greatest lesson you've ever learned?
"I didn't realize how much of life is about people. Life requires at least two things with people, earning trust and building relationships. It's important to understand why we do what we do before we change how we do it."
Some vital questions people ask: Can I trust you? How do I keep from busting trust?
Collin defines Leadership as influence, as described in John Maxwell's book The 360 Degree Leader.
2) What / How are you learning now?
Submission to God's Will -- NOT MINE. Collin is studying Andy Stanley's '4 Phases of Life'. He is learning that "he is a nobody" and it is key to "give God credit."
3) How has failure shaped your life?
Failure is a driving force in learning. Reviewing mistakes to generate life lessons is key to growth. In fact, now Collin doesn't view many things as failures, but as lesson to start again as described in Maxwell's book Failing Forward.
4) What do you know that I should know?
Its important to chose to be a learner. Read great books everyday. No-one changes their life until they change something they do EVERYDAY. The question is "What do you want your life to look like at 50?"
For Collin, it means rising early, real early, at 4:30. He spends time with Jesus, outlining his day, and reviewing a checklist of goals from the day before. Collin has a commitment to change.
5) What have you read that I should read?
Blessed Life - Robert Morris
a Man Thinketh - James Allen
Visioneering - Andy Stanley
Communicating for a Change - Andy Stanley
The Greatest Salesman in the World - Og Mandino
6) What have you done that I should do?
Make a list of the money you spent on personal development. Compare it to other things you spent money on. This will display for you the value you have of yourself. People are assets as long as they continue growing.
7) How can I add value to you?
Collin requested prayers as he brought innovation to West Texas and sought God.
8) Anything other Keys to Leadership?
When a leader gets to busy, they miss the whisper of God.
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