Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Leadership Lecture from Marc Rylander

Marc Rylander
Leadership Consultant

1) Great Leadership begins with ME!
o   You can’t take care of others unless you take care of you.
o   You’re the only you
o   Nothing great will happen with our team until something great happens in me
o   Great Leadership happens when you get up in the morning

2) Leadership Begins with you, but isn’t exclusivity about you
o   Know your Team
o   Need your Team
o   Trust your Team

3) Great Leadership Requires Passion
o   Passionless people try to perform
o   Lost people are not attracted to passionless people
o   Lose your passion for lost, lose your passion for church
o   Growth today does not promise growth tomorrow
o   Steps in the Life of a Church – Mission, Movement, Management, Monument

G. W. Truett – “Hats off to the past, coats off the future”

o   Determine each day your going to do something great
o   Align yourself with passionate people
o   Clear the clutter

4) Great Leadership Demands knowledge and Respect
o   Study local churches

5) Great Leadership crushes Lethargy
o   Do things that are unexpected
o   Go the extra mile for your people
o   Listen more than you talk
o   Communicate often
o   Enjoy what you have in common
o   Church members are people too

6) Great Leadership Expects Results

o   Has no programs because ‘we’ve always done them’

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