Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Catalyst 2014 Dr. Henry Cloud

Dr Henry Cloud
Clinical psychologist & leadership consultant
Best selling authors boundaries for leaders

-    " the bible can make you well and not crazy
-    In knowing your identity the first thing you have to know is what your not
-    Boundaries for leaders:
-    Road it identity has to be a road of focused attention
-    Attend to what is relevant to who you are and who you are going to become
-    You have to inhibit everything else
-    You must have a working memory of this
     Ephesians 2-god created you for good works by his workmanship
    "If everything is important, nothing is."
-    Your identity can only be realized in a positive emotional climate
    Sometimes doing things are so important that the high probably of failure is worth it.
    God does not let people be divisive in his camp.
-     Your identity in leadership is not meant to be done alone
    Your brain runs on oxygen, glucose, and relationships
    Story of a monkeys stress level being cut in half as a result of not being alone in a stressful environment
    Get with your Monkeys
    Questions you have to ask yourself as a leader:
-    Where am I?
-    Where is the enemy?
-    Where are my buddies?
-    Your brain is designed to have a desire for control....but self control is Gods intention and a fruit of the spirit

-    As a leader, you have to let them go. If there is someone you have to control, fire them.

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