Chris Hodges (Church of the Highlands)
Staff Meeting - Christ Fellowship 2/24/16
One of the best decisions you'll ever make is to figure out who to do life with, not what to do.
Every person on my team needs to know someone who knows their job as well or better than they do.
If you don't know why it's working when it's working you won't know how to fix it when it's broke.
- Having the right people - don't do your job, build teams - if I catch you doing ministry I'll fire you.
- Right Systems - SYSTEM: what you have created to deliver your vision (must be measurable) The E-myth -- Main Idea: the product doesn't make a system great. greatest system wins. You can have Jesus and have a failing church.
- Right Culture - Culture Trumps EVERYTHING.
- Right Anointing: God showed up and helped you be better than you. Anointing doesn't make you better than anyone but you. "I'm not better than you, I'm better than me" as a result of God's work in my life.
The best gift you give me is not what your good at, it's your devotion to God. I need you better than you is available to you.
It does not matter who you are, you are personally responsible to be available for God's anointing.
Exodus 29
V36 -
- The crown of Holiness over your mind. Most important battleground is ones minds. 'Strike the shepherd, scatter the sheep'.
Are you putting 'Holy to the Lord' on your mind everyday as the scripture says?
Do something about the junk that you are allowing into your life.
How much of the secular am I going to allow in my life?
The CROWN of holiness requires an examination.
- The breast-piece of decision over your heart. Everyone of you have names written over your heart. We all have bad names. The names will guide how you make decisions.
You can not be any better than you if you don't deal with the names written over your heart.
- Undergarment of Rest if your Soul (Tunic) - Ezk. 44:18 - We don't sweat, we keep our soul at rest. Rest is not a lack of activity, it's a condition of your soul.
You must have the practice of sabbath in your life.
Not doing nothing, it's ceasing from labor so.
You sabbath at the beginning of the week, not the end of the week. The rest is not to replenish, but to pre-charge. It's at the beginning of the week.
- Garment of Praise in our Spirit.- (Robe of blue cloth) - Everyday you must do this intentionally. Do people say their life is in a better place as a result of interacting with me?
Gratitude is the key word to keep praise in the spirit.
- Oil of Unity over my head - Taking the anointing oil and pour on the head - stay loyal, in unity, no gossip, no rants on Twitter, etc...
Grateful for the body of Christ. Be positive. It just not needed to be so negative. "I'm grieved about the way the world talks about itself."
All those things are things you can cultivate and increase the level of anointing in your mind.
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