Sunday, September 7, 2014

Andy Stanley is a leadership expert and Pastor of North Point Community Church in Atlanta, GA.  He does a monthly leadership podcast that provides some great insights to those who are interested in learning both non-profit and for profit leadership.  Below is an outline of 2 podcasts that addressed the staff culture and set the trajectory for the new generation of leaders.  You can check out the podcasts here:

Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast

Staff Culture Principles (NPCC)

1)   Make it Better
i)     What am I doing to help the organization personally?
2)   Take it Personally
i)     How am I personally engaged in our mission and vision?
3)   Collaborate
i)     Where am I leveraging the talent and skills of those outside my team?
4)   Replace Yourself
i)     If you replace yourself, there will always be a place for you.
ii)    Who am I empowering?
5)   Stay Fit
i)     How am I taking care of myself, spiritually, emotionally, physically,  relationally, and financially?
6)   Remain Openhanded
i)      How do I manage the tension triggered by new ideas, innovation, and change?

Additional Consideration (from Kenny):

The most dangerous phrase in the English language is ‘ that’s what we’ve always done.’

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