Friday, January 24, 2014

2013 Lesson from our Leadership Team

While I will maintain all privacy, I wanted to include some of the lessons of our leadership team that meets on a monthly direction to determine the direction of our church.

*Many of our people are missing 'Tribal Knowledge' the knowledge that comes with being with us for longer periods of time.

*Life's not fair.  And thats ok.  If it were, we'd all be in hell.

*We must not be dependent on ourselves, but dependent on God.  Just like a professional athlete, the game will slow down.

*Be adaptable.  Learn the ways of the tribe.  Earn Trust.  Build Relationships.  Understand why we do what we do before you try to change it.

*Culture doesn't really care what we do as a church.  We are not going to be cool enough to matter.  Truth is what matters.

*At this point in our church history, its not about talent or skill...its about leading people.

*Obedience today is preparation for tomorrow.

*It is hard to learn in the midst of chaos.  However, it is important to cling to our 'one thing', to know God intimately.

*The lessons of life do not get easier.

*I don't know as much as I thought I did.  Equip before I empower.

*Reward what you want repeated.

*Inspect what you expect.

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