Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Learning Leadership w/ Collin Sewell

     From many previous posts you can glean who Collin is, and why I would desire to learn from this prominent business man in our community of Odessa, Texas.  For this reason, I'm going to jump right into the thoughts and leadership learning.

In a few weeks, I will be heading to Brazil to teach as an Associate Trainer for EQUIP  http://www.iequip.org/.  Collin is on the board of EQUIP and has done many such training.  In a bit of an open session, I took the opportunity to ask Collin a few thoughts about EQUIP in South America, generosity, and finally some leadership questions.

Collin on EQUIP training:

--Be sure to discover the group dynamic of the location you are heading to

--Understand what it is the Pastor desires to accomplish by being a part of EQUIP

--Get as much back story and background as you can from those you interact with

--Spend time with your translator, meet them early, Skype them if possible, have a good relationship

Collin on Generosity:

Q:  You are a generous person, what grid do you go through to decide who/how to give to?  How does Collin Sewell know its right to give?

Collin offered 3 areas to ensure he is giving what is right, both in time and money.  

1) Priority must be a driver
2) Need in the organization or persons life -- he is looking for an organization that is multiplying dollars
3) Heart -- in order to keep the heart soft to being generous, Collin is sure to give without strings attached

Collin on Leadership:

What is one mistake you witness leaders making more frequently than others?

L      Lack of Humility, leaders often think they are smarter than everyone else.  As a result, soon after they quit learning.
        How can you make them want to ask questions, want to grow and learn?
            Be a living example, help people where they need help instead of where you think they need help.

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