Friday, June 1, 2012

Sewell Leadership Event (April 2012)

A few weeks back several leadership guru's came to our Church for the Sewell Leadership Event.  Collin Sewell brought these men in and provide an event for both his employees and the community to learn leadership.  Of course, leadership is a major focus for me in my stage of life, so here are the cliff notes from John Maxwells first session in the morning.

John believes that the greatest gap in the world, is that between KNOWING and DOING.  He purported that we so often have the knowledge, but not the 'know how.'  I took away a great principle from this session in my communication style, asking the questions 1) What do you want me to know, and 2) what do you want me to do?

Some other quality quotes from John:

"Most difficult thing to do as a leader is LEAD ME"
Success for the day is defined by the change that happens to you.  If you wouldn't follow yourself, why should anyone else?  Everything rises and falls on LEADERSHIP.

"The Law of the Lid"
It is so important to surround yourself with high capacity leaders.  Only problem is the law of the lid.  Those high capacity leaders won't stay around if they are a higher capacity leader than the leader they are working for.  The law of the lid says that if I'm a level 5 leader, then my employees will all be below that. Improving yourself is a key component in leadership.  This is perhaps the most important aspect of leadership to focus on if your in your mid 20s like me.  The reality is without a growing leader, people will leave or limit themselves.

Finally, John Maxwell began on the 5 level of leadership.  I took so much from this talk, and was inspired to read the book my Pastor had given me.  I will save that for my next post.

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