Bill Hybel’s
Who do you owe the most for calling your leadership out in your younger years?
--Somebody had a table 18 conversation with you
1) Consider the leadership callers in my life and call or write them
2) Take the 2 minutes to recognize younger leaders
Bill told a great story of Southwest Airlines buying a ticket for person kicked off a plane on a competitors airline.
Bill encouraged us to Show Proper Respect Rules:
1) Leaders set example on how to differ without demonizing
2) Spirited convos without drawing blood
3) Leaders must not interrupt
4) Leaders limit volume levels
5) Leaders must be curious
6) Never stereotype
7) Apologize
8) Form opinions and change when new information enters
9) Show up and do what you say
10) Set Rules of Respect for the organization
Convene a meeting of your lead staff and develop a civility code and add it to your organizations official documents.
Who? - who makes the call
When? - What's the end date
How? - who will run the process
Planning - Internal - External - Transition
God will write a better script for my future than I can do.
Sheryl Sanberg
Advocate of women in equal leadership.
Self Help section but not help others section
Problems Encountered in Grief:
1) Personalization
2) Pervasiveness
3) Permanence
At the Hospital Idea: I'm in the lobby for a hug for the next hour if you want a hug.
If I make a mistake today, I will say too much not to little.
Marcus Lemonis
You need to know yourself better.
Most important thing for me in life is to be vulnerability.
When you unlock someone's heart and earn their trust, you can accomplish must more together.
As a leader, your responsibility is to make sure everyone on your team is successful.
Best leaders are color blind.
Andy Stanley:
If we had it to do all over again, what would we do all over again? Andy was reflecting on North Point Ministries 20th year of ministry.
- If you don't know how your doing things, you can't fix it if its broken.
Lessons from the first 20 years:
Why did our organization grow so fast?
-- We had a uniquely better product.
Engaging Church experience for the entire family, especially focused on men.
Right now, someone is messing with the prevailing model for your industry.
Discovering uniquely better is virtually impossible. However, recognizing it is completely different.
Uniquely better is often a solution to a problem that a successful organization are not looking to solve.
Our best hope is to create organizational cultures that recognize rather than resist uniquely better.
How to create a culture that recognizes rather an resists uniquely better:
1) Be a student not a critic
- never criticize what you do not understand
- we usually revisit what we can't control
2) Keep your eyes and mind wide open
-listen to outsiders
- close minded leaders close minds
When was the last time your organization embraced an idea that was not yours?
- You must pay attention to the frontiers of our ignorance. - Sam Harris
3) In your culture replace HOW? with WOW!
- Your greatest contribution may not be what you do but who you raise.
4) Ask the Uniquely Better Questions
A) Is this unique?
B) What makes this unique?
C) Is it Better?
D) Is it better...really?
Laszlo Bock
No matter the industry, everyone needs to remember / be reminded of why we do what we do.
400% increase when someone met the person whose life was impacted and changed.
If your uncomfortable with it, your doing it wrong.
ACTION: How can we open source the church staff culture?
RULE FOR HIRING: I'm only going to hire someone who is better than me at something.
Juliet Funt
All of us are getting less and less comfortable with 'pause'
The pause is a formidable source of professional power.
We live in a recipe of 100% exertion and 0% productive.
We are too busy to become less busy.
What are the costs of worshiping business?
1) Bottom Line
2) Sanity
Where are we in the evolution of the overload?
- We can choose right now to throw in the towel, or find a new viable solution.
WhiteSpace - a strategic pause taken between activities
- it is a pause in your schedule, but far from a rest in your brain
- great leaders naturally use whitespace
- Jack Welch unfailing spent an hour a day looking out the window
You must decrapify your workflow.
Two Step Process:
1) Become conscience of the thieves
- Drive, Excellence, Information, Activity
- taken to the extreme these steal our time
CDO - with the letters alphabetized
"Beware of the lollipops of mediocrity, lick it once and suck forever"
- Your time in the presence of the thieves is a space will be filled, unless you apply a filter.
2) Defeat them with the questions
- Is there anything I can let go of? (Drive)
Reductive Filter -
- Where is good enough good enough? (Excellence)
- What do I truly need to know? (Information)
- What deserves my attention? (Activity)
Tactic for handling:
The importance of taking White Space home:
Marcus Buckingham
There is no statistical difference between the number of fights in a happy marriage and an unhappy marriage.
The opposite of bad is not good...its not bad. We can not just study failure to get Sucess. - slides
Ratings of our employees often recommend the ratings of us.
I need to rate me on you. Do I turn to you when I need _____?
People want a chance to use their strengths.
A year is 52 baby sprint. Our job as a leader is to ensure consistency between each week during the year!
People don't want feedback, they want coaching and attention.
Leading is taking unique gifts and finding a way to contribute it to the world.
Sam Adeyemi
In leadership you don't attract what you want, you attract who you are.
The leadership dynamic works when there is alignment between the sense of identity of the leader and that of the followers.
Charisma is really an embodiment of the group ideal.
We can make champions out of ordinary people. God does this all throughout scripture as a model rather than simply supernatural.
Whatever people SEE and HEAR consistency over time will consume their hearts.
Describe your vision over and over.
Call your employees not by what they are now, but by what we see them in the future.
Its not because I am special that I am here, its because they are special that I am here.
Angela Duckworth
GRIT- Is sustained passion and perseverance for especially long-term goals.
Talent is nothing if you don't apply yourself.
Of course talent matters, but effort counts twice.
Plateau is called arrested development.
What is deliberate practice?
- World Class Expert comes to work everyday with a goal/plan.
- set a stretch goal - Focus - Get Feedback - Reflect & Refine (cycle)
How do I build GRIT:
1) develop your interests before training your weaknesses
2) know the science of deliberate practice
3) beyond a self purpose
4) growth mindset
Bill Hybel’s
Who do you owe the most for calling your leadership out in your younger years?
--Somebody had a table 18 conversation with you
1) Consider the leadership callers in my life and call or write them
2) Take the 2 minutes to recognize younger leaders
Bill told a great story of Southwest Airlines buying a ticket for person kicked off a plane on a competitors airline.
Bill encouraged us to Show Proper Respect Rules:
1) Leaders set example on how to differ without demonizing
2) Spirited convos without drawing blood
3) Leaders must not interrupt
4) Leaders limit volume levels
5) Leaders must be curious
6) Never stereotype
7) Apologize
8) Form opinions and change when new information enters
9) Show up and do what you say
10) Set Rules of Respect for the organization
Convene a meeting of your lead staff and develop a civility code and add it to your organizations official documents.
Who? - who makes the call
When? - What's the end date
How? - who will run the process
Planning - Internal - External - Transition
God will write a better script for my future than I can do.
Sheryl Sanberg
Advocate of women in equal leadership.
Self Help section but not help others section
Problems Encountered in Grief:
1) Personalization
2) Pervasiveness
3) Permanence
At the Hospital Idea: I'm in the lobby for a hug for the next hour if you want a hug.
If I make a mistake today, I will say too much not to little.
Marcus Lemonis
You need to know yourself better.
Most important thing for me in life is to be vulnerability.
When you unlock someone's heart and earn their trust, you can accomplish must more together.
As a leader, your responsibility is to make sure everyone on your team is successful.
Best leaders are color blind.
Andy Stanley:
If we had it to do all over again, what would we do all over again? Andy was reflecting on North Point Ministries 20th year of ministry.
- If you don't know how your doing things, you can't fix it if its broken.
Lessons from the first 20 years:
Why did our organization grow so fast?
-- We had a uniquely better product.
Engaging Church experience for the entire family, especially focused on men.
Right now, someone is messing with the prevailing model for your industry.
Discovering uniquely better is virtually impossible. However, recognizing it is completely different.
Uniquely better is often a solution to a problem that a successful organization are not looking to solve.
Our best hope is to create organizational cultures that recognize rather than resist uniquely better.
How to create a culture that recognizes rather an resists uniquely better:
1) Be a student not a critic
- never criticize what you do not understand
- we usually revisit what we can't control
2) Keep your eyes and mind wide open
-listen to outsiders
- close minded leaders close minds
When was the last time your organization embraced an idea that was not yours?
- You must pay attention to the frontiers of our ignorance. - Sam Harris
3) In your culture replace HOW? with WOW!
- Your greatest contribution may not be what you do but who you raise.
4) Ask the Uniquely Better Questions
A) Is this unique?
B) What makes this unique?
C) Is it Better?
D) Is it better...really?
Laszlo Bock
No matter the industry, everyone needs to remember / be reminded of why we do what we do.
400% increase when someone met the person whose life was impacted and changed.
If your uncomfortable with it, your doing it wrong.
ACTION: How can we open source the church staff culture?
RULE FOR HIRING: I'm only going to hire someone who is better than me at something.
Juliet Funt
All of us are getting less and less comfortable with 'pause'
The pause is a formidable source of professional power.
We live in a recipe of 100% exertion and 0% productive.
We are too busy to become less busy.
What are the costs of worshiping business?
1) Bottom Line
2) Sanity
Where are we in the evolution of the overload?
- We can choose right now to throw in the towel, or find a new viable solution.
WhiteSpace - a strategic pause taken between activities
- it is a pause in your schedule, but far from a rest in your brain
- great leaders naturally use whitespace
- Jack Welch unfailing spent an hour a day looking out the window
You must decrapify your workflow.
Two Step Process:
1) Become conscience of the thieves
- Drive, Excellence, Information, Activity
- taken to the extreme these steal our time
CDO - with the letters alphabetized
"Beware of the lollipops of mediocrity, lick it once and suck forever"
- Your time in the presence of the thieves is a space will be filled, unless you apply a filter.
2) Defeat them with the questions
- Is there anything I can let go of? (Drive)
Reductive Filter -
- Where is good enough good enough? (Excellence)
- What do I truly need to know? (Information)
- What deserves my attention? (Activity)
Tactic for handling:
The importance of taking White Space home:
Marcus Buckingham
There is no statistical difference between the number of fights in a happy marriage and an unhappy marriage.
The opposite of bad is not good...its not bad. We can not just study failure to get Sucess. - slides
Ratings of our employees often recommend the ratings of us.
I need to rate me on you. Do I turn to you when I need _____?
People want a chance to use their strengths.
A year is 52 baby sprint. Our job as a leader is to ensure consistency between each week during the year!
People don't want feedback, they want coaching and attention.
Leading is taking unique gifts and finding a way to contribute it to the world.
Sam Adeyemi
In leadership you don't attract what you want, you attract who you are.
The leadership dynamic works when there is alignment between the sense of identity of the leader and that of the followers.
Charisma is really an embodiment of the group ideal.
We can make champions out of ordinary people. God does this all throughout scripture as a model rather than simply supernatural.
Whatever people SEE and HEAR consistency over time will consume their hearts.
Describe your vision over and over.
Call your employees not by what they are now, but by what we see them in the future.
Its not because I am special that I am here, its because they are special that I am here.
Angela Duckworth
GRIT- Is sustained passion and perseverance for especially long-term goals.
Talent is nothing if you don't apply yourself.
Of course talent matters, but effort counts twice.
Plateau is called arrested development.
What is deliberate practice?
- World Class Expert comes to work everyday with a goal/plan.
- set a stretch goal - Focus - Get Feedback - Reflect & Refine (cycle)
How do I build GRIT:
1) develop your interests before training your weaknesses
2) know the science of deliberate practice
3) beyond a self purpose
4) growth mindset